
Developer Obligations SG7 Consultation

Notice of consultation on Aberdeenshire Council

Supplementary Guidance No. 7, Developer Obligations:

Methods of Calculation  

In accordance with The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 (As Amended), Aberdeenshire Council is undertaking a period of consultation on the Aberdeenshire Council Local Development Plan 2017, Supplementary Guidance on Developer Obligations: Methods of Calculation.

In the Reporters Recommendations on the Examination of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017 (LDP) they considered under issue 15, “The responsibilities of Developers”. They concluded that the Policy RD2 (Developer Obligations) remained sound, insofar as it was clear that contributions must fairly and reasonably relate to the scale of the proposed development as needed to make the development acceptable in planning terms (see page 240 of the Report of the Examination of the proposed Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2017).

However, the Reporters considered that the policy did not fully address issues of project viability in the context of the reasonableness of the level of contribution. They recommended that the potential impact of the cumulative effect of contributions on delivery was a matter that could appropriately be addressed in more detail through the Supplementary Guidance.

Because of the above, we have amended the section titled ‘Development Viability’ on page 2 of the Developer Obligations Supplementary Guidance to reflect the reporters’ recommendations.  Whilst the proposed amendment relates only to the ‘Development Viability’ section, respondents may comment on any part of the Developer Obligations Supplementary Guidance during this consultation period.

Copies of the draft amended Supplementary Guidance are available for inspection free of charge at the following locations during normal office hours:

• Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen AB16 5GB

• Garioch Area, Gordon House, Blackhall Road, Inverurie AB51 3WA

• All public libraries within Aberdeenshire during their normal opening hours.

A copy can also be viewed on the Council’s website at:

The consultation will run for 8 weeks from

13 April 2017 – 9 June 2017

Persons who wish to make representations to the authority about this proposal can do so to

or by letter to:

Planning Policy Team, Aberdeenshire Council Headquarters, Woodhill House, Westburn Road, Aberdeen AB16 5GB

Piers Blaxter

Team Leader