Community Council & Elected Members
Kemnay Community Council was established in 1977 and there may be 15 elected Councillors. Our remit is to ascertain and express the views of the residents of Kemnay as appears to be practicable and expedient. Kemnay Community Council meetings are open to the public and commence at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall Friendship Room on the last Thursday in every month excluding July, August and December. We aspire to broadly represent the views of the people of Kemnay, if you have a problem in the community or an idea that may improve our community please let us know using the contact options shown below.
Contact Your Local Representatives
Community Council
Facebook: Kemnay Community Council on Facebook
Gaenor Berkin (Chair)
Lee Aitken (Vice Chair)
Fran Patrick (Secretary)
John Whittall (Treasurer)
Sue Wainman
Margaret Basley
Claire G Stewart
Grace Dinnes
Suzanne Bunton
Daniel Johnston
Gabby Stevens
Richard Lamplugh
Pauline Paterson
Mary Brown
Brian Cowie
Aberdeenshire Councillors
Hazel Smith. Liberal Democrat, email:
Sam Payne, Conservative & Unionist, email:
Moray Grant, SNP, email:
Members of Scottish Parliament
Alexander Burnett MSP, Conservative & Unionist, Constituency MSP. Aberdeenshire West
M2.16, The Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, EH99 1SP. Telephone: 0131 348 5642
Constituency Office: 8 Robert Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2DN
email: website:
All MSP’s Constituency & North East Scotland List can be found at the link below:
U.K Members of Parliament
Rt. Hon. Andrew Bowie. Conservative & Unionist M.P.
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA,
Tel: 020 7219 2791, Email:
Conservative & Unionist Association, 8 Robert Street, Stonehaven, AB39 2DN, Tel: 01569 762785