
Community Council

Kemnay Community Council was established in 1977 and there may be 15 elected Councillors. Our remit is to ascertain and express the views of the residents of Kemnay as appears to be practicable and expedient. Kemnay Community Council meetings are open to the public and commence at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall Friendship Room on the last Thursday in every month excluding July, August and December. We aspire to broadly represent the views of the people of Kemnay, if you have a problem in the community or an idea that may improve our community please let us know.  Contact details are shown on the Newsie page or Kemnay Community Council Facebook page.

Minutes Archive


Community Council Members

Constitution 2024

Constitution Replacement 2018 Background Information

Community Council Boundary

 Scheme of Establishment of Community Councils 2018