Erect 20 Houses at Milton, Kemnay
Erect 20 Houses, Form Vehicular Access & Suds Basin
at site East of Milton Farm, Kemnay
Applicant: Malcolm Allan Housebuilders Ltd
Public Comment Expiry Date Thursday 02 May 2019
House types on Plots 1 to 20
- Benallan Plots 1 & 3
- Blairallan Plus Plot 12
- Blairallan Plus Plot 11 & 19
- Glenallan Plot 20
- Glenallan Plus Plot 5
- Glenallan Plus Plots 7,9,10
- Strathallan Plot 2
- Strathallan Plot 4
- Strathallan Plus Plots 6,8,18
- Terrace Houses Plots 13-17
Aberdeenshire Council Current Local Development Plan 2017
pages 47-50 (numbered 413-416)
OP2: West of Milton Meadows, Allocation: 20 homes
This site was previously allocated as site H2 in the 2012 LDP. It is located on the south-western edge of the settlement and is generally flat in nature. Strategic landscaping is likely to be required to soften the settlement edge and reduce the prominence of the development, particularly when approaching from the south-west.
The design theme should provide a mix of house types and sizes in keeping with the character of the surrounding area, including a minimum of 5 affordable houses integrated into the development design. Access to the site could be taken via the B993 or through the adjoining residential development via Leys Way. Footway provision to provide pedestrian connectivity with the rest of the settlement will be required. The site should also enable the development of sports pitches on site R1.
There is a small watercourse adjacent to the site, and a flood risk assessment may therefore be required depending on detailed proposals and site levels. Full SUDs and adequate buffer strips will be necessary.