
Bridge Condition

As a result of community concerns relating to the structural integrity of the Don Bridge, Kemnay, the Community Council reported some minor structural defects to Aberdeenshire Council on 01 August 2016 and requested a structural inspection.  On 19 August 2016, we received an email from Thomas O’Connor, Engineer (Bridge Maintenance), Infrastructure Services, Aberdeennshire Council, with some background information about routine inspection of the bridge, assurances of the bridge structural integrity and intentions to carry out some minor repairs.  A copy of thhe email is shown below:

Good Morning,

I am writing to you in response to your recent enquiry in regards to Don Bridge Kemnay C117C/50.

Listed below is some history on the inspection regime for this bridge and also the actions that have been taken by the Bridges team since the flooding in early 2016:

The last Principal Inspection was done in 2012 which included the underbridge unit.

The structure had 2 visual inspections during the flood event of 2016 and after. No serious signs of damage were noted at the time.

A dive inspection was also carried out after the flood event. Minor scour was identified at the South abutment but this is not classed as critical.

Two engineers including myself carried out a visual inspection on the structure on 14th July 2016.

Damage was noted such as concrete spalling to the parapets and spandrel, and vegetation removal is required around the wingwalls.

The road surfacing didn’t shown any evidence of new cracking or settlement. The photo you included shows signs of pointing loss that was caused by settlement. This was not caused by the recent flooding event.

In summary, there is no immediate risk of damage to the structure in the near future, even taking into account future flood spates.

It requires some minor maintenance repairs which will be included on the recommendation for the 2017/2018 Garioch Bridge Maintenance works.

However, to address the issues of the Community Council I recommend the following which should benefit all parties:

Include in 16/17 Underbridge inspections list

Issue works orders for veg removal works, repointing and repairs to spalling where possible on parapets, seal all joints.

If you require any further information in regards to the bridge please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Meantime, I provide you with a link to Aberdeenshire Council webpage in regards to Bridges.

If you or any members find any issues with bridges then please use this  email:

The enquiry is then  generated to the relevant engineer in charge of that bridge or area and ensures matters are dealt with swiftly.

Kind Regards,

Thomas O’Connor, Engineer (Bridge Maintenance), Infrastructure Services, Aberdeenshire Council

Tel Number: 01467 536347
