Corona Virus Help & Advice
Click above link for NHS Advice
As we all deal with a number of questions around Coronavirus (COVID-19), I felt it would be useful to provide you with links that reflect where guidance can be sought. The role of the Council in this event is one of signposting, and we encourage everyone not to speculate or create their own advice. Please signpost anyone with concerns to the latest national guidance.
Margaret-Jane Cardno, Area Manager (Garioch), Aberdeenshire Council
Tel – 01467 533458, Mob – 07824 524814
Grampian Coronavirus Assistance Hub
Grampian Coronavirus Assistance Hub website is a focal point for information and assistance for anyone affected by coronavirus anywhere in Grampian. Find the services you need or links to information from across the area. You can also register to offer help via the website.
NHS Inform (Scotland)
UK Government
Public Health Scotland
World Health Organisation
Lend A Hand LOCAL Facebook group has been set up as a contact page for supporting the community. it has initially been set up surrounding the Corona virus threat so our community is taken care of by each other. I would like to thank all the volunteers in advance. please if you are sick, vulnerable or frightened to leave your house due to the Corona virus risk and need help please don’t hesitate to get in touch and that goes to those who are willing to help and support others too.