
Police Scotland

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 ‘Rural Watch Scotland’ (RWS), is an extension of the Neighbourhood Watch Scotland movement and endorsed by  the Scottish Partnership Against Rural Crime (SPARC) and is aimed specifically at the rural communities of Scotland and aims to bring all the benefits of Neighbourhood Watch to all rural communities irrespective of location, size or demographics.  It is an online community for any member of the public where appeals, crime prevention tips and safety alerts can be posted by those who subscribe which can be viewed by all members. Subscription is free and the sharing of information on the forum is a great example of real time crime prevention in action.

Members can receive alerts and advice by phone, text or email. By keeping members informed about crime and other threats in specific areas, RWS can help prevent crime, keep communities and residents safe, and members responses to these alerts can help catch criminals or be better prepared to deal with other threats to communities. To join Rural Watch Scotland simply, log onto

999 Emergency Number

In an emergency you should always dial 999 if:

  • There is a risk of personal injury or loss of life
  • A crime is in progress
  • Someone suspected of a crime is nearby

Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired callers using a Textphone (minicom) should dial 18000 in an emergency.

Alternatively, if you are deaf, hard of hearing and speech-impaired, you can register with emergency SMS text service. The emergencySMS service lets people in the UK send an SMS text message to the UK 999 service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard.

101 Non-Emergency Number

For all non-emergencies and general enquiries, 101 is the number you call if you need to contact your local police. You can call 101 to report a crime that has already happened, seek crime prevention advice or make us aware of any policing issues in your local area.

Using 101 for situations that do not require an immediate police response helps keep 999 available for when there is an emergency.

Calls to 101 from landlines and mobiles cost 15 pence per call, no matter what time of day you call or how long your call lasts.

101 FAQs  can be found here

Calls to Police Scotland may be recorded for training and service improvement purposes.

UK calls outwith Scotland

UK callers residing outside of Scotland should call 01786 289 070 to contact Police Scotland.

International Contact

International callers should call +44 1786 289 070 to contact Police Scotland.

Deaf/Hard of Hearing callers

Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired callers can contact us via TextRelay on 1 800 1 101.


You can phone Crimestoppers to pass on information about crime anonymously, call 0800 555 111.

Hate Crime & Third Party Reporting

Information on our Third Party Reporting services and Hate Crime form can befound here.

Minicom Service

Deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired callers can contact us via TextRelay on 1 800 1 101.

Write to us

Police Scotland Headquarters
PO Box 21184
FK10 9DE

Our Police Offices

Please visit our Police Offices page for addresses of individual offices. View our Police Station Public Counter Opening Hours. The opening hours of stations can be liable to change, and may on occasion be closed due to operational needs. You may wish to call the national non-emergency number (101) before visiting the station to ensure that a member of staff will be there to help you. Making a Complaint

Information can be found in our How to Make a Complaint section.

Firearms Licensing

Visit our Service Fees and Charges section for firearms and explosives contact information.

General Enquiries / A Job Well Done?

If you have any general enquiries use our Contact Us form and we will direct your enquiry to the relevant department or police office.  The form can also be used if you want to tell us that you were pleased with the service you received from Police Scotland.

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