Bennachie Lodge Hotel 8 Townhouses
APP/2016/0144 Erection of 8 No. Dwellinghouses
at Site Adjacent To Bennachie Lodge Victoria Terrace Kemnay
APPLICATION REFUSED, Dated: 17 August 2016
In accordance with the plan(s) docquetted as relative hereto and the particulars given in the application, do hereby give notice of their decision to REFUSE Full Planning Permission for the following reason(s):
- The proposal fails to make provision for the required level of affordable housing and therefore does not meet the housing need as identified by Aberdeenshire Council waiting list 2016 and the Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2011. Consequently, the application is considered contrary to Policy 6 Affordable Housing and SG Affordable Housing 1: Affordable Housing of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2012.
- The applicant has failed to agree to the developer obligations package that is required in order to mitigate the impact of the development on existing services and facilities in the settlement and as such the development is contrary to Policy 9: Developer Contributions and SG Developer Contributions 1: Developer Contributions of the Aberdeenshire Local Development Plan 2012.
Click here for further details
OBJECTION by Aberdeenshire Council Housing Strategy, 03 August 2016
We note this proposal is for full planning permission. We note that no affordable housing contribution has been identified within this planning application and the developer has not had any further discussions regarding this. The Housing Service therefore objects to the proposed application as it does not meet identified housing need as supported by Aberdeenshire Council waiting list 2016 and the Housing Need and Demand Assessment 2011 and planning policy 6 (Affordable Housing)
Elise Young
Development Officer (Affordable Housing)
Housing Strategy Team
Infrastructure Services
Aberdeenshire Council
OBJECTION by Aberdeenshire Council Development Obligations Officer, 01 August 2016
Objection by Kemnay Community Council
Expiry date for public comment Thu 25 Feb 2016.
Any person wishing to make comment on an application should do so in writing to the undersigned by 20 August 2015. You can also make comment online or to the email address below. Comments must be submitted within the required timescale and any comments made will be available for public inspection and will be published on the Aberdeenshire Council website.
Comment in writing to:
Lindsey Geddes, Planning Officer, Aberdeenshire Council, Gordon House, Blackhall Road, Inverurie, AB51 3WA
Make a Comment Online
Paragraph 5 on page 2 of the Design Statement states that the proposal is to remove the redundant annexe and replace it with 3 bed-roomed townhouses and yet the plans show only one bedroom?
Drainage is now a major concern, the applicant states “no flooding history” but major flooding occurred recently in Victoria Terrace, only a matter of mtrs. from the site.

Proposals for drainage is that both foul and surface water will drain into the combined sewer in Victoria Terrace and surface water will drainage will be controlled by a cellular attenuation system. We know for a fact that there is an obstruction / blockage in what we think is a surface water sewer pipe somewhere between the manhole on the corner of Parkhill / Victoria Terrace and Bogbeth Road. We have to ask the question “is additional foul and surface water from 8 additional houses going to exacerbate the flooding problems in Victoria Terrace?”