

High Speed Broadband FTTC Now Available in Kemnay

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 Clicking on the “Exchanges already taking orders” pdf box at the bottom of THIS PAGE shows Kemnay as “Available”.  However, on 12/10/2014 I was advised that the exchange is enabled for FTTC but the cabinet serving Kemnay lines is not yet enabled.  I will however be monitoring the situation.

Broadband available

How Do I Get it?

 Lots of service providers offer superfast fibre broadband for homes and businesses, often bundled with phone and TV packages as well. Check out the deals they have available on their websites, there is a list of some of the more popular ones HERE but it is not a complete list so check with your own ISP also.

Digital ScotlandDigital Scotland


Superfast Broadband

Fibre To The Cabinet (FTTC). Superfast broadband is one of the names used for the next generation of broadband. It’s also sometimes referred to as “faster broadband” or “next generation broadband”. It differs from basic broadband in that it is much faster in terms of the data it can transfer. Imagine it as being a bit like a water pipe where a big water pipe can carry more water than a thin one. So, if you have superfast broadband in your home or business, it’s much easier to perform tasks that involve a lot of data – like watching films or transferring large files. Superfast broadband is spreading across Scotland! Improving the quality of online experiences and supporting exciting new developments in internet services, it can bring a host of benefits and opportunities to both business users and home users.


Benefits for Home Users


The most notable advantage of faster speeds is that it allows people to be online at the same time with a consistent and reliable service across multiple devices. So, whether you’re a family with kids or living with a bunch of housemates, you can all use PCs, mobile phones, games consoles and digital televisions at the same time without screens freezing or loss of quality. Read more


Benefits for Business Users


Superfast broadband can have a huge impact on your business, with significant improvements in productivity. It could give you the competitive advantage that you need to help grow your business, by allowing you to work faster and more flexibly and efficiently. Read more


Can I get Superfast Broadband?


Enter your postcode (top right of screen) to find out if you can benefit from superfast broadband now, or when it is likely to be available in your area. Please ensure your postcode is formatted correctly (e.g. AB12 4QX)


What is superfast broadband?


How do I know if I can get superfast broadband?


More information FAQ’s


Feedback on Superfast Broadband for Kemnay