A96 Dualling
Dear Sir / Madam
As you may be aware, Transport Scotland has been progressing with the design development and assessment of route options to provide a new A96 dual carriageway between east of Huntly and Aberdeen.
As part of our ongoing community and stakeholder engagement for the scheme, drop-in sessions are to be held in Inverurie, Blackburn and Huntly from 28 to 31 May 2019. The purpose of these events is to provide an update on the work carried out since the last public exhibitions held in October 2018, giving further information on the design and assessment process and on the options being progressed through the DMRB Stage 2 Assessment.
Representatives from Transport Scotland and their design consultants, AmeyArup, will be available to answer questions on the design and assessment work being carried out as work progresses towards selecting a preferred option for the scheme at the end of 2019, at which further public exhibitions will be held.
Transport Scotland is seeking feedback from members of the public and other stakeholders to help inform the ongoing design development work. We would like to invite you to attend the drop-in sessions, the details of which are provided below
Tuesday 28 May 2019, Wyness Hall, 12 noon – 7pm Jackson Street, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 3QB
Wednesday 29 May 2019, Wyness Hall, 12 noon – 7pm Jackson Street, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, AB51 3QB
Thursday 30 May 2019, Kinellar Community Hall, Blackburn, 12 noon – 7pm Kinellar Community Centre, Fintray Road, Blackburn, Aberdeenshire, AB21 0JQ
Friday 31 May 2019, Gordon Arms Hotel, Huntly, 12 noon – 7pm The Square, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 8AF
Should you be unable to attend the drop-in sessions, details on the A96 Dualling East of Huntly to Aberdeen scheme can be found at:
The information on display at the drop-in sessions will also be available on the Transport Scotland website from 12 noon on 28 May 2019.
Yours faithfully,
David Burt, Project Manager